Savlan Hauser

Jack London Improvement District
Savlan is trained as an architect (CED, UC Berkeley) and has worked in design and development at a range of scales, from fabrication and installation of industrial art -- to urban planning as a member of the team completing the West Oakland Specific Plan and EIR, as well as the Coliseum Area Specific Plan. Savlan's appreciation of great public spaces was instilled at an early age as she played the fiddle as a busker on the streets of great cities from Vancouver to Los Angeles. She worked in development and energy-efficient building in Mexico City for several years on projects across Latin America, and as lead of a satellite office of a US-based firm. Savlan has been involved in campaign and community outreach for policy supporting transit-oriented development, smart growth, and great public spaces. Her affiliations include Bike East Bay, SPUR, and served on the Zoning Board of the City of Berkeley as District 8 appointee. She believes strongly in urbanism, keeping cities close-knit and exciting, and making accessible the value inherent in urban neighborhoods. Member Directory  Arrow

Biography: Savlan is trained as an architect (CED, UC Berkeley) and has worked in design and development at a range of scales, from fabrication and installation of industrial art -- to urban planning as a member of the team completing the West Oakland Specific Plan and EIR, as well as the Coliseum Area Specific Plan. Savlan's appreciation of great public spaces was instilled at an early age as she played the fiddle as a busker on the streets of great cities from Vancouver to Los Angeles. She worked in development and energy-efficient building in Mexico City for several years on projects across Latin America, and as lead of a satellite office of a US-based firm. Savlan has been involved in campaign and community outreach for policy supporting transit-oriented development, smart growth, and great public spaces. Her affiliations include Bike East Bay, SPUR, and served on the Zoning Board of the City of Berkeley as District 8 appointee. She believes strongly in urbanism, keeping cities close-knit and exciting, and making accessible the value inherent in urban neighborhoods.

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