Adam Krom
Biography: Adam R. Krom Planner/Urban Planner Wallace Roberts Todd, LLC Philadelphia, PA Adam Krom, AICP began his career as a transportation planner in Denver, Colorado. After several years working on transportation issues, including two successful light rail ballot measures, he relocated to Philadelphia to pursue a master's degree in city planning at the University of Pennsylvania. While studying at Penn, Mr. Krom joined the staff of WRT Planning and Design, where he has practiced as a planner and urban designer since 2002. Mr. Krom's work at WRT has focused on waterfront planning, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), and mixed use development, including commercial corridor and downtown revitalization. Mr. Krom has been involved with waterfront planning in Philadelphia for the past five years, and is wrapping up a master plan for a new waterfront park in Trenton, New Jersey that will replace a waterfront expressway. His TOD work has included creating development plans for stations along the PATCO rapid transit line in suburban Philadelphia. He has prepared several plans for university mixed use districts, such as an urban design and land use plan for University Hill in Syracuse, New York that integrates university buildings, medical institution development, retail, parking, and housing into a mixed use academic village. He has prepared design guidelines for redevelopment of obsolete "grey field" shopping centers as mixed-use, walkable places, as well as several main street redevelopment plans. At a larger scale, he was a member of the team that prepared Omaha by Design, a city-wide urban design plan for Omaha, Nebraska that was recently unanimously adopted by the Omaha city council. In addition to practicing as a professional planner and urban designer, Mr. Krom is an instructor at the School of Design of the University of Pennsylvania and an adjunct professor in the Department of Architecture at Drexel Univer
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