Joanna Kervin
Biography: Joanna is a highly respected leader in the design and delivery of transit expansion in the Toronto area. She is influential in bringing complex issues to successful resolution through the design and delivery of two multi-billion dollar transit expansion projects; namely the TTC Line extension that opened in 2017 and Eglinton Crosstown LRT that is currently under construction. Joanna’s career spans a unique series of career moves from consulting to City of Toronto Planning, to Toronto Transit Commission (subway) to construction with Crosslinx Transit Solutions. Her experience give her a unique insight into the needs and challenges of both private and public sectors, experience that has supported her success in negotiating solutions to complex issues affecting a wide range of stakeholders and governmental authorities. In 2018, Joanna received the Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) H. Robert Burton Distinguished Service Award for her work and leadership with ITE and in the transportation field over the last 30 years. She spent many years volunteering with ITE in both support and leadership roles. She was the first woman to be elected to the Canadian District Executive, was the first woman President of CITE, and member of the ITE International Board. She continues to work on ITE International Committees and is a Fellow of ITE. As part of her continuing work to support upcoming leaders in engineering/infrastructure, Joanna has supported the University of Waterloo as a Leadership Advisor for the University of Waterloo’s Toronto Alumni Chapter and spent 6 years on the Advisory Board of Turkstra Chair in Civil Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Joanna is a member of the Women’s Leadership Team as part of the Urban Land Institute, Toronto Chapter. Joanna was recognized in 2022 by Women We Admire in Top 50 Women We Admire in Toronto.
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