Molly McKay

Molly McKay is the Managing Principal of the Willdan Group, a publicly traded company providing professional technical engineering and public finance consulting services. Molly is dedicated to shaping the future of the built environment for transformative impact in communities worldwide. Molly’s Washington, DC-based real estate and economic development consulting practice provides market and financial feasibility analysis, economic development/P3 strategic planning, and other related urban redevelopment advisory services for cities, counties, transit authorities, real estate investors and developers, and planning/design/engineering firms. Ms. McKay has served as a financial and economic advisor on redevelopment initiatives in 25 states and throughout the Middle East, Africa, and the Caribbean on projects that range from site-based urban infill/adaptive reuse to large-scale infrastructure economic zones/districts that catalyze innovation, job creation, and community-based healthy places. Molly, a Certified Economic Developer (IEDC), holds Bachelor’s degrees in French & Spanish Literature (University of Kansas), a Master’s degree in Politics & Economics/Sustainable Development Policy (University of Exeter, UK/Fulbright Scholar), and conducted post-graduate studies in Urban Planning, Real Estate Finance & Development (Johns Hopkins Cary Business School). Molly serves as the P3 technical lead on Willdan’s Smart Cities Working Group, Economic Development Advisor to the Virginia Center for Innovative Technology, and as the Chair and DEI Liaison of ULI-the Urban Land Institute’s Redevelopment and Reuse Council. Molly is a connector of cities, redevelopment sites and developers to best practices in achieving community sense of place, quality of life and fiscal resilience in the built environment. Areas of Expertise: Economic Development Strategic Planning, Public Finance, Public/Private Partnerships, Fiscal and Ec Member Directory  Arrow

Biography: Molly McKay is the Managing Principal of the Willdan Group, a publicly traded company providing professional technical engineering and public finance consulting services. Molly is dedicated to shaping the future of the built environment for transformative impact in communities worldwide. Molly’s Washington, DC-based real estate and economic development consulting practice provides market and financial feasibility analysis, economic development/P3 strategic planning, and other related urban redevelopment advisory services for cities, counties, transit authorities, real estate investors and developers, and planning/design/engineering firms. Ms. McKay has served as a financial and economic advisor on redevelopment initiatives in 25 states and throughout the Middle East, Africa, and the Caribbean on projects that range from site-based urban infill/adaptive reuse to large-scale infrastructure economic zones/districts that catalyze innovation, job creation, and community-based healthy places. Molly, a Certified Economic Developer (IEDC), holds Bachelor’s degrees in French & Spanish Literature (University of Kansas), a Master’s degree in Politics & Economics/Sustainable Development Policy (University of Exeter, UK/Fulbright Scholar), and conducted post-graduate studies in Urban Planning, Real Estate Finance & Development (Johns Hopkins Cary Business School). Molly serves as the P3 technical lead on Willdan’s Smart Cities Working Group, Economic Development Advisor to the Virginia Center for Innovative Technology, and as the Chair and DEI Liaison of ULI-the Urban Land Institute’s Redevelopment and Reuse Council. Molly is a connector of cities, redevelopment sites and developers to best practices in achieving community sense of place, quality of life and fiscal resilience in the built environment. Areas of Expertise: Economic Development Strategic Planning, Public Finance, Public/Private Partnerships, Fiscal and Ec

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