Sara Myerson

Sara is the Managing Director of Acquisitions where she oversees the sourcing and execution of investment opportunities. As a real estate professional and urban planner, she brings over 12 years of finance, design, development and public-private partnership experience with a focus on sustainable and resilient development in emerging and transforming urban markets. Most recently, she was Vice President at Suffolk Capital, a real estate investment vehicle affiliated with Suffolk Construction. Previously she served as the Director of Planning for the Boston Planning and Development Agency, where she oversaw Boston’s land use planning, urban design and zoning and led its first citywide planning initiative in 50 years - Imagine Boston 2030. Sara also served as the Executive Director of the Office of Olympic Planning during Boston’s bid for the 2024 Olympics. She previously served as the Chief of Staff and Director of Policy at Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH), a nonprofit affordable housing developer. She began her career at Goldman Sachs in the Urban Investment Group (UIG) and the Investment Banking Division. Myerson holds a Master in Urban Planning from Harvard University and a BA from Middlebury College. Member Directory  Arrow

Biography: Sara is the Managing Director of Acquisitions where she oversees the sourcing and execution of investment opportunities. As a real estate professional and urban planner, she brings over 12 years of finance, design, development and public-private partnership experience with a focus on sustainable and resilient development in emerging and transforming urban markets. Most recently, she was Vice President at Suffolk Capital, a real estate investment vehicle affiliated with Suffolk Construction. Previously she served as the Director of Planning for the Boston Planning and Development Agency, where she oversaw Boston’s land use planning, urban design and zoning and led its first citywide planning initiative in 50 years - Imagine Boston 2030. Sara also served as the Executive Director of the Office of Olympic Planning during Boston’s bid for the 2024 Olympics. She previously served as the Chief of Staff and Director of Policy at Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH), a nonprofit affordable housing developer. She began her career at Goldman Sachs in the Urban Investment Group (UIG) and the Investment Banking Division. Myerson holds a Master in Urban Planning from Harvard University and a BA from Middlebury College.

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