Scott Muldavin
Biography: Scott Muldavin, is President of The Muldavin Company. For the last 13 years, as a Senior Advisor to Delos, creator of the WELL Building Standard™, Executive Director of the Green Building Finance Consortium and a Senior Fellow with the Rocky Mountain Institute, he has led the movement to scale sustainable property investment through improved financial analysis that fully integrates health, wellness, productivity, and energy benefits into sustainable property investment decisions. Mr. Muldavin’s sustainability work builds on his 35 years of real estate experience. In addition to leading The Muldavin Company, a real estate strategy consulting firm; he co-founded Guggenheim Real Estate, a multi-billion-dollar private real estate company; was a lead real estate consulting partner at Deloitte; served on the Advisory Board of Global Real Analytics, an advisor to $2 billion of REIT and CMBS funds; and has completed over 300 consulting engagements involving real estate finance, investment, valuation, securitization, corporate real estate, and sustainability. Mr. Muldavin is a graduate of UC Berkeley and Harvard University and a member, and 2017 Global Chair, of The Counselors of Real Estate (CRE). He has authored over 225 books and articles on real estate finance, investment, sustainability, and health and wellness. He is also a frequent speaker worldwide. (More detail and access to recent Health and Wellness financial support publications available at
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