Lance Robbins
Biography: I am the founder and manger of Urban Smart Growth a national developer operating in six states. USG has developed three large scale tax credit enhanced historic rehabilitation projects in New England, is the catalytic developer for the East Fanklinton Arts neighborhood of Columbus Ohio, and lead developer for the town of Belville North Carolina's entire waterfront central business district and similiar projects. USG's predecessor rehabilitated over 6,000 apartments in Los Angeles over 30 years. I am responsible for all acquisition, financing, design, execution, including construciton, for all aspects of the company and its affiliates. I was on the steering committee that shaped the East Fanklinton Neighborhood Plan that received national recognition from the Congress for New Urbanism and the American Planning Association. The renovation of the 400 W. Rich project in Franklinton has materially improved the perception of this neighborhood, and brought thousands of visitors and participants to the area in the past three years. I was Man of Year in Pawtucket Rhode Island for the economic impact of the Hope Artiste Village 500,000 square foot mixed use development located there. In additon I was briefly the lead developer for the Colt Firearmas Factory in Hartford Connecticut, and am for the Greystone Lofts in North Providence Rhode Island.My three sponsors are set forth below. I can provide more information as may be desired.
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