Ken Voigt
Biography: Kenneth Voigt, P.E. Ayres Associates Waukesha, WI Mr. Voigt has more than 40 years of experience in traffic engineering and transportation planning. He has worked on traffic study projects that include the City of Charlotte Street Design Guidelines, Downtown Eau Claire Street Design and Parking Conversion Studies, and numerous private developments. He teaches traffic engineering and environmental impact courses at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and intersection design, traffic impacts of land development, traffic safety and parking courses for the University of Wisconsin Engineering Extension. Mr. Voigt is certified as an ADA instructor by the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals. Mr. Voigt's experience on large, complex corridor management projects ranging from capacity improvements to neighborhood and downtown parking studies, bicycle and pedestrian improvements along with his common-sense approach to identifying community transportation enhancements provides insight into creating great communities. Mr. Voigt is currently on the Congress of the New Urbanism Board of Directors, he is a past international president of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. He has received numerous awards and has presented papers at the TRB Urban Street Symposium, American Planning Association, Institute of Transportation Engineers, American Public Works Association, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, and ITS World Congress meetings. Mr. Voigt has recently been involved in numerous corridor context sensitive design studies and assisted the State of Indiana with the development of their statewide CSS guidelines. Updated October 2013
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