Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Europe 2025
Charting New Horizons
Report Summary: : After navigating the storm clouds of higher inflation and interest rates for nearly three years, the real estate industry in Europe has a landing zone in sight. However, geopolitics – both close to home and further afield – increasingly represents a source of considerable volatility. Similarly, ever-present environmental sustainability and decarbonisation requirements and changing occupier demands also weigh on the industry’s longer-term outlook. The mood among the industry is therefore one of cautious optimism. Though the survey indicates greater business confidence and profits for 2025 than a year ago the interviews offer a more nuanced view of the market, and there are caveats at every turn. However, this year’s report finds that the more progressive industry players are starting to meet these challenges head on. When it comes to driving profits, says one institutional investment chief, the focus now needs to be on "debt, demographics, decarbonisation, deglobalisation, and digitalisation."
Report Summary: After navigating the storm clouds of higher inflation and interest rates for nearly three years, the real estate industry in Europe has a landing zone in sight. However, geopolitics – both close to home and further afield – increasingly represents a source of considerable volatility. Similarly, ever-present environmental sustainability and decarbonisation requirements and changing occupier demands also weigh on the industry’s longer-term outlook. The mood among the industry is therefore one of cautious optimism. Though the survey indicates greater business confidence and profits for 2025 than a year ago the interviews offer a more nuanced view of the market, and there are caveats at every turn. However, this year’s report finds that the more progressive industry players are starting to meet these challenges head on. When it comes to driving profits, says one institutional investment chief, the focus now needs to be on "debt, demographics, decarbonisation, deglobalisation, and digitalisation."
About Emerging Trends in Real Estate®
Emerging Trends in Real Estate® is one of the most highly regarded annual industry outlooks for the real estate and land use industry, published jointly by PwC and the Urban Land Institute. By incorporating interviews and survey responses from several hundred industry professionals, the report provides an in-depth outlook by region on real estate investment, development trends, and capital markets. The report is produced in four versions: Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, and Global. All the Emerging Trends in Real Estate® reports published since 2003 are available on Knowledge Finder.

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