Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Global Outlook 2025
Report Summary: : The Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Global Outlook report by the Urban Land Institute and PwC, examines the global challenges and opportunities facing real estate and analyses the developing impacts on regions and sectors around the world.
Industry leaders' reflections from the Emerging Trends in Real Estate® report suggest a cautiously optimistic outlook for global real estate. Despite concerns over fragile economic growth and growing geopolitical uncertainty, there is a general sense that the market is at an inflection point, with investors looking to put capital to work and reposition their portfolios.
Report Summary: The Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Global Outlook report by the Urban Land Institute and PwC, examines the global challenges and opportunities facing real estate and analyses the developing impacts on regions and sectors around the world.
Industry leaders' reflections from the Emerging Trends in Real Estate® report suggest a cautiously optimistic outlook for global real estate. Despite concerns over fragile economic growth and growing geopolitical uncertainty, there is a general sense that the market is at an inflection point, with investors looking to put capital to work and reposition their portfolios.
About Emerging Trends in Real Estate®
Emerging Trends in Real Estate® is one of the most highly regarded annual industry outlooks for the real estate and land use industry, published jointly by PwC and the Urban Land Institute. By incorporating interviews and survey responses from several hundred industry professionals, the report provides an in-depth outlook by region on real estate investment, development trends, and capital markets. The report is produced in four versions: Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, and Global. All the Emerging Trends in Real Estate® reports published since 2003 are available on Knowledge Finder.

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