Copenhagen, Denmark
Report Summary:
Creative Placemaking is an evolving field of practice that intentionally leverages the power of the arts, culture, and creativity to serve a community’s interest while driving a broader agenda for change, growth, and transformation in a way that also builds character and quality of place. The aim of the report is to identify creative placemaking cases, actors, themes, and potential value in order to characterize and describe existing creative placemaking projects in Denmark. Best practice case studies are shared through ULI Denmark, Ramboll, and Volcano in order to complete a mapping of creative placemaking projects in Denmark to form part of the ULI Creative Placemaking Forum.

Report Summary: Creative Placemaking is an evolving field of practice that intentionally leverages the power of the arts, culture, and creativity to serve a community’s interest while driving a broader agenda for change, growth, and transformation in a way that also builds character and quality of place. The aim of the report is to identify creative placemaking cases, actors, themes, and potential value in order to characterize and describe existing creative placemaking projects in Denmark. Best practice case studies are shared through ULI Denmark, Ramboll, and Volcano in order to complete a mapping of creative placemaking projects in Denmark to form part of the ULI Creative Placemaking Forum.


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