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Report Summary:

This toolkit serves as a resource that provides the fundamentals of best practices and international case studies for the private and public sectors to activate underutilized open spaces.

It aims to:

  • Help communities and private owners understand the value of green open spaces;
  • Summarize approaches for creating and activating these spaces while incorporating sustainability and social equity; and
  • Describe funding and maintenance strategies for the private sector and the city to support new or enhanced park space

Report Summary: This toolkit serves as a resource that provides the fundamentals of best practices and international case studies for the private and public sectors to activate underutilized open spaces.

It aims to:

  • Help communities and private owners understand the value of green open spaces;
  • Summarize approaches for creating and activating these spaces while incorporating sustainability and social equity; and
  • Describe funding and maintenance strategies for the private sector and the city to support new or enhanced park space

Sponsors & Partners

Bank of America Sponsor

ULI Randall Lewis Center for Sustainability FY2024 Annual Impact Report

The Center for Sustainability’s Annual Impact Report (FY2024) shares a collection of the year’s cumulative outcomes, highlighting the impacts on members and communities. With 37 publications reaching 37,000 readers, 200 convenings engaging 19,200 att...
Event Session

2024 Fall Meeting — Navy Pier's Reimagination: People-Centered Placemaking

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2024 Fall Meeting — From Public Golf Course to Mixed-Income Community: Innovative Infill Development in East Las Vegas

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District & National Councils
ULI Hong Kong