Chestnut Avenue TAP
The Chestnut Avenue corridor is a historically vibrant, once thriving corridor of commerce and residence, but has experienced significant disinvestment over the last 20 to 30 years resulting in a lack of quality housing, services, and neighborhood commercial options. There is a need for injection of capital for infrastructure improvements and new development projects to create more quality housing, services, and commercial options for those living and working in the community. The Pearl Bailey homeplace project at 2814 Chestnut Avenue represents a potentially important investment into the community. There is a need to develop a vision for the corridor, including the Pearl Bailey project, as a potential catalyst for new development. The TAP sponsor believes that the TAP program, and implementation of the Pearl Bailey project, will help stimulate a new discussion about the history and future of Chestnut Avenue and development of a framework for revitalization.
a. What are the proposed land uses and design elements for the neighborhood?
b. How can the neighborhood experience better connectivity to surrounding community assets?
c. What are some Implementation strategies?
d. How can the proposed “Pearl Bailey” project serve as a catalyst for the community?
e. What are the market needs that can be met by the development of this neighborhood?
Report Summary: The Chestnut Avenue corridor is a historically vibrant, once thriving corridor of commerce and residence, but has experienced significant disinvestment over the last 20 to 30 years resulting in a lack of quality housing, services, and neighborhood commercial options. There is a need for injection of capital for infrastructure improvements and new development projects to create more quality housing, services, and commercial options for those living and working in the community. The Pearl Bailey homeplace project at 2814 Chestnut Avenue represents a potentially important investment into the community. There is a need to develop a vision for the corridor, including the Pearl Bailey project, as a potential catalyst for new development. The TAP sponsor believes that the TAP program, and implementation of the Pearl Bailey project, will help stimulate a new discussion about the history and future of Chestnut Avenue and development of a framework for revitalization.
a. What are the proposed land uses and design elements for the neighborhood?
b. How can the neighborhood experience better connectivity to surrounding community assets?
c. What are some Implementation strategies?
d. How can the proposed “Pearl Bailey” project serve as a catalyst for the community?
e. What are the market needs that can be met by the development of this neighborhood?