ULI British Columbia: Fostering Complete Communities
A Conversation with Minister Rob Fleming and Minister of State Bowinn Ma
Webinar Summary:
Webinar Summary: Infrastructure and transportation investments both stimulate the local economy and support the development of complete communities – communities where people can live, work and play. Never has this been more important than in a post-COVID19 world. As the Province of BC moves from managing a health crisis, to focusing on economic recovery, decisions will need to be made about what investments should be made and where. ULI is supportive of these investments and is keen to work with the Provincial Government to “build back better.”
Event Session
Keynote Address: Success in the City
Successful' cities share several essential components. From sustainable infrastructure and community engagement, to safety and accessibility, to economic opportunities – making a city more appealing and liveable is easier said than done. This speech ...
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Navigating Dynamic Real Estate Markets: Investing in a New Era
Forecasts for rapid growth in middle classes, urbanisation and consumer spending in Southeast Asia present unique opportunities for patient and agile capital.
Event Session
2024 Fall Meeting — Reimagining Neighborhoods: "Missing-Middle" Housing and the Role of Public/Private Partnerships
In fast-growing areas where job opportunities are booming, there is a critical shortage of affordable middle-income housing. This shortage poses a significant challenge for essential workers such as nurses, teachers, and firefighters, who earn too mu...