ULI Houston Resilient Land Use Cohort Technical Assistance Panel Presentation
Urban Heat Island Mitigation
Webinar Summary: Heat is a significant public health concern in Houston, and the design, construction, and renovation of buildings can help reduce local urban temperatures and maintain comfortable and safe inside temperatures. The City of Houston has invited the Urban Land Institute to conduct a virtual Technical Assistance Panel to provide strategic recommendations on how the City can help accelerate the implementation of building cooling strategies. This Technical Assistance Panel builds on the H3AT 2020 Heat Mapping Project as well as other extreme heat initiatives being guided by the Resilient Houston plan.
The Urban Land Institute is a nonprofit research and education organization supported by over 45,000 members in the real estate and land use sectors. ULI Houston implements ULI’s mission to provide leadership in the responsible use of land by providing ULI Houston members with independent forums for discussion and debate about city building issues and best practices.
Learn more about the Resilient Land Use Cohort.