Webinar Summary:
This program brings together a diverse set of leaders from the public and private sectors to discuss Community Benefit Agreements (CBA) and other community engagement strategies. A panel with developer, community organization and elected official perspectives share examples of negotiating CBAs, the challenges along the way, and the outcomes that were reached. Additionally, two case studies share examples of alternative or additional forms of community engagement, from Philadelphia and Atlanta. The presentations share ideas and best practices for both developers and community group leaders navigating the CBA and community engagement process.

Webinar Summary: This program brings together a diverse set of leaders from the public and private sectors to discuss Community Benefit Agreements (CBA) and other community engagement strategies. A panel with developer, community organization and elected official perspectives share examples of negotiating CBAs, the challenges along the way, and the outcomes that were reached. Additionally, two case studies share examples of alternative or additional forms of community engagement, from Philadelphia and Atlanta. The presentations share ideas and best practices for both developers and community group leaders navigating the CBA and community engagement process.


Vacaville TAP (2024)

Take a look at ULI SF's St. Vacaville TAP Report.

State of Green: Greenprint Performance Report, Volume 15

ULI Greenprint real estate members are leading the charge to decarbonization. Learn about the progress being made globally on reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy and water efficiency in the real estate industry.

ULI Randall Lewis Center for Sustainability FY2024 Annual Impact Report

The Center for Sustainability’s Annual Impact Report (FY2024) shares a collection of the year’s cumulative outcomes, highlighting the impacts on members and communities. With 37 publications reaching 37,000 readers, 200 convenings engaging 19,200 att...