Austin Economic Development Corporation: Cultural Trust
Webinar Summary: The City of Austin created the Austin Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) as a versatile tool to help the local government with several challenges facing our growing community. The AEDC seeks to strengthen the attributes that set Austin apart by sustaining and growing the city’s local business and arts culture, while also devoting resources to address affordability, homelessness, and equity. As program manager of the Austin Cultural Trust, the AEDC could be a key contributor to Austin’s art community and cultural assets. The Cultural Trust was created to support the acquisition and preservation of cultural arts and music spaces within Austin. This webinar invites the AEDC’s first hire Anne Gatling Haynes, Chief Transactions Officer (CXO), to share the latest updates from the organization. We are also joined by leaders from Austin’s art community and an out of town expert to share insights about what the Cultural Trust could become and how the development community can get involved.