Webinar Summary:

City Hall Plaza is undergoing a dramatic transformation that will replace this 50-year-old public space to be an innovative, healthy, and efficient civic hub to better serve current and future generations of Bostonians and visitors, alike. This seven-acre plaza is one of the City’s largest civic spaces, routinely hosting events ranging from sports celebrations and political rallies to seasonal cultural festivals. Overt time, much has changed in terms of the City’s urban context, standards of public safety and security and municipal operations since was originally designed in the 1960s.   

In this webinar, we talk with the some of the participants who are responsible for taking the community feedback and replacing the sea of red brick with something more accessible for all while delivering updated programming capabilities, adding infrastructure, and improving sustainability.

Webinar Summary: City Hall Plaza is undergoing a dramatic transformation that will replace this 50-year-old public space to be an innovative, healthy, and efficient civic hub to better serve current and future generations of Bostonians and visitors, alike. This seven-acre plaza is one of the City’s largest civic spaces, routinely hosting events ranging from sports celebrations and political rallies to seasonal cultural festivals. Overt time, much has changed in terms of the City’s urban context, standards of public safety and security and municipal operations since was originally designed in the 1960s.   

In this webinar, we talk with the some of the participants who are responsible for taking the community feedback and replacing the sea of red brick with something more accessible for all while delivering updated programming capabilities, adding infrastructure, and improving sustainability.


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