Webinar Summary:
North Shore Connects (which builds upon the Integrated North Shore Transportation Planning Project) will provide efficiencies for individuals whom live, work and play on the North Shore to get around. The partnership aims to reduce congestion, strengthen regional connections and support livable communities with the goal to allow everyone to spend more time living, and less time commuting.  We are delighted to hear from participants of this partnership about their planning to date, and what’s next to shape the future of livability and mobility on the North Shore.

Webinar Summary: North Shore Connects (which builds upon the Integrated North Shore Transportation Planning Project) will provide efficiencies for individuals whom live, work and play on the North Shore to get around. The partnership aims to reduce congestion, strengthen regional connections and support livable communities with the goal to allow everyone to spend more time living, and less time commuting.  We are delighted to hear from participants of this partnership about their planning to date, and what’s next to shape the future of livability and mobility on the North Shore.


Vacaville TAP (2024)

Take a look at ULI SF's St. Vacaville TAP Report.

ULI Randall Lewis Center for Sustainability FY2024 Annual Impact Report

The Center for Sustainability’s Annual Impact Report (FY2024) shares a collection of the year’s cumulative outcomes, highlighting the impacts on members and communities. With 37 publications reaching 37,000 readers, 200 convenings engaging 19,200 att...
Event Session

2024 Fall Meeting — Reimagining Neighborhoods: "Missing-Middle" Housing and the Role of Public/Private Partnerships

In fast-growing areas where job opportunities are booming, there is a critical shortage of affordable middle-income housing. This shortage poses a significant challenge for essential workers such as nurses, teachers, and firefighters, who earn too mu...