ULI InfraXchange Spring Series Session 4: Smart Mobility in Transit-Oriented Complete Communities
Webinar Summary:
Webinar Summary: What are the ingredients to create complete communities when lands are unlocked by transit lines? What are the key infrastructure decisions and priorities that lead to economically and socially sustainable communities? How to integrate land use, complete communities, and value capture into transit and sustainable mobility decisions? What are the best ways to form partnerships to provide seamless mobility? Join ULI Curtis Infrastructure Initiative and global leaders in infrastructure and communities to explore innovative ways to deliver holistic infrastructure to create transit-oriented complete communities. The session features complete communities from Toronto Region, Canada and Hong Kong, SAR.
ULI Infrastructure Forum at 2023 Spring Meeting
The Infrastructure Forum brings together global leaders across multiple sectors to examine the most pressing infrastructure, land use, and real estate decisions of the 21st century.
Building 15-Minute Communities: A Leadership Guide
Building 15-Minute Communities: A Leadership Guide shares promising insights and strategies for leveraging infrastructure investment and real estate development to create walkable, transit-oriented, sustainable, complete communities.
Infrastructure Exchange: Nature in the City - How to Deliver One Environment Infrastructure Combining Public Space, Flood-proofing, and Utility Upgrades in One Project
Learn from global experts on how to bring nature back to the city, deliver parks, green streets, flood protection/stormwater management, utilities, and environmental restoration in one project.