Webinar Summary:
Austin has identified that the creative industries generate $4.3 billion in economic activity and further fuels the economy by attracting new businesses and residents to our city.  However, as Austin continues to grow, spaces for creative and cultural use have become scarcer and more expensive.  Learn how Austin‚Äôs changing landscape is affecting creatives and about real estate specific initiatives the City of Austin and Rally Austin is implementing toward ensuring Austin‚Äôs creative identity remains an integral part of Austin's vitality.

Webinar Summary: Austin has identified that the creative industries generate $4.3 billion in economic activity and further fuels the economy by attracting new businesses and residents to our city.  However, as Austin continues to grow, spaces for creative and cultural use have become scarcer and more expensive.  Learn how Austin‚Äôs changing landscape is affecting creatives and about real estate specific initiatives the City of Austin and Rally Austin is implementing toward ensuring Austin‚Äôs creative identity remains an integral part of Austin's vitality.

Event Session

2024 Fall Meeting — Sparking Development with Arts and Culture: Best Practices in Real Estate Development

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Advisory Services Panel Report: Frankfurt Mainkai

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Event Session

Arts and Culture in New York City: A Catalyst for Social Change and Economic Development

As the home to more than 1,500 museums, galleries, theaters, dance companies, zoos, botanical gardens, and more, New York City is clearly at the epicenter of arts and culture. Beyond these cultural organizations, arts and culture can easily be viewed...