Sven Bienert

Visiting Fellow, ULI Europe
International Real Estate Business School
Sven Bienert is Professor of Sustainability at the IRE|BS International Real Estate Business School, University of Regensburg. He serves on multiple supervisory boards and is actively involved in several key industry initiatives. As Managing Director of IIÖ GmbH, he leads the operational efforts of the CRREM initiative. His academic achievements were recognized with the Richard Ratcliff Award at the 2022 ARES conference. Directorio de miembros  Arrow

Biografía: Sven Bienert is Professor of Sustainability at the IRE|BS International Real Estate Business School, University of Regensburg. He serves on multiple supervisory boards and is actively involved in several key industry initiatives. As Managing Director of IIÖ GmbH, he leads the operational efforts of the CRREM initiative. His academic achievements were recognized with the Richard Ratcliff Award at the 2022 ARES conference.

Directorio de miembros  Arrow

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