Global 1:15:50
Resumen del seminario web:
15-minute communities hold the promise of accelerating decarbonization, increasing housing affordability, reducing climate and health risks, and fostering social equity. This approach to city building lays a foundation for developing compact, mixed-use, and walkable communities that can increase real estate value, create co-benefits for joint use and co-location, and generate new resources to help invest in local communities. The ULI Curtis Infrastructure Initiative created the Building 15-Minute Communities: A Leadership Guide to share actionable leadership strategies across public, private, and non-profit sectors to: -Decarbonize metro regions with a network of 15-minute transit-oriented communities -Diversify urban central business districts into affordable, live-in downtowns -Humanize edge cities into heat proof, resilient, retirement, and child-friendly communities -Densify suburban corridors into walkable, mixed-use innovation districts -Transform suburban malls into transit and trail-oriented mixed-use communities -Activate exurbs as working landscapes of agrihoods and nature-based solutions Watch this webinar for a robust conversation with global experts in infrastructure on how to leverage holistic infrastructure investment and real estate development strategies to support thriving 15-minute communities across six geographic typologies.

Resumen del seminario web: 15-minute communities hold the promise of accelerating decarbonization, increasing housing affordability, reducing climate and health risks, and fostering social equity. This approach to city building lays a foundation for developing compact, mixed-use, and walkable communities that can increase real estate value, create co-benefits for joint use and co-location, and generate new resources to help invest in local communities. The ULI Curtis Infrastructure Initiative created the Building 15-Minute Communities: A Leadership Guide to share actionable leadership strategies across public, private, and non-profit sectors to: -Decarbonize metro regions with a network of 15-minute transit-oriented communities -Diversify urban central business districts into affordable, live-in downtowns -Humanize edge cities into heat proof, resilient, retirement, and child-friendly communities -Densify suburban corridors into walkable, mixed-use innovation districts -Transform suburban malls into transit and trail-oriented mixed-use communities -Activate exurbs as working landscapes of agrihoods and nature-based solutions Watch this webinar for a robust conversation with global experts in infrastructure on how to leverage holistic infrastructure investment and real estate development strategies to support thriving 15-minute communities across six geographic typologies.


Building 15-Minute Communities: A Leadership Guide

Building 15-Minute Communities: A Leadership Guide shares promising insights and strategies for leveraging infrastructure investment and real estate development to create walkable, transit-oriented, sustainable, complete communities.

Intercambio de infraestructura: la naturaleza en la ciudad: cómo ofrecer una infraestructura ambiental que combine espacios públicos, protección contra inundaciones y mejoras de servicios públicos en un solo proyecto

Aprenda de los expertos mundiales sobre cómo devolver la naturaleza a la ciudad, crear parques, calles verdes, protección contra inundaciones/gestión de aguas pluviales, servicios públicos y restauración ambiental en un solo proyecto.

ULI InfraXchange: Sustainable Actions in Transit-oriented 15-Minute Communities – How to Integrate ‘One Energy’ Infrastructure

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