Toronto, Ontario, カナダ グローバル
Toronto Towers Cover Image

Around the globe, the real estate sector is facing challenges of advancing both housing affordability and decarbonization. Toronto, Ontario, is one city addressing that challenge head-on.

In February 2020, ULI Toronto, in partnership with the city of Toronto and the Tower Renewal Partnership, hosted a group of North American experts to deliver a comprehensive and actionable set of recommendations on resolving one of the city’s biggest housing and resilience challenges. In supporting Toronto on its tower renewal journey, seven ULI volunteers from across the United States, along with three ULI staff members, traveled to Toronto to take part in four days of site visits and stakeholder interviews to develop their recommendations.

The city of Toronto’s Tower Renewal initiative was designed to upgrade the city’s 1,000-plus apartment towers while maintaining affordability to over a half million Toronto residents. Significant progress is underway to revitalize publicly owned towers, but the challenges facing privately owned buildings (85 percent of the stock) remain steep.

These project profiles highlight the importance of—and business case for—multifamily retrofits to improve sustainability, resilience, and equity, with the goal to educate and provide examples of successful renovations across applicable towers projects. Herein are two examples that met the mission successfully:

  • St Hilda’s Towers Inc., a senior living community with affordable housing units that managed to maintain residency and strong community values during the deep renovation
  • 6061 Yonge Street, a multifamily tower project that implemented cyclical funding of its renovation from the savings of previously installed energy efficiency projects

The projects showcase strategies for multifamily energy efficiency retrofits that are also cost-effective, minimize displacement, emphasize community communications, and support resilience and affordability.

Related materials:

ULI Toronto: Affordability and Resilience - The Challenge of Tower Renewal in Private Rental Apartment Buildings

ULI Toronto: Tower Renewal Check Up: Confronting the Private Sector Rental Affordability Challenge

Author: Kara Kokernak

ケーススタディの要約:Around the globe, the real estate sector is facing challenges of advancing both housing affordability and decarbonization. Toronto, Ontario, is one city addressing that challenge head-on.

In February 2020, ULI Toronto, in partnership with the city of Toronto and the Tower Renewal Partnership, hosted a group of North American experts to deliver a comprehensive and actionable set of recommendations on resolving one of the city’s biggest housing and resilience challenges. In supporting Toronto on its tower renewal journey, seven ULI volunteers from across the United States, along with three ULI staff members, traveled to Toronto to take part in four days of site visits and stakeholder interviews to develop their recommendations.

The city of Toronto’s Tower Renewal initiative was designed to upgrade the city’s 1,000-plus apartment towers while maintaining affordability to over a half million Toronto residents. Significant progress is underway to revitalize publicly owned towers, but the challenges facing privately owned buildings (85 percent of the stock) remain steep.

These project profiles highlight the importance of—and business case for—multifamily retrofits to improve sustainability, resilience, and equity, with the goal to educate and provide examples of successful renovations across applicable towers projects. Herein are two examples that met the mission successfully:

  • St Hilda’s Towers Inc., a senior living community with affordable housing units that managed to maintain residency and strong community values during the deep renovation
  • 6061 Yonge Street, a multifamily tower project that implemented cyclical funding of its renovation from the savings of previously installed energy efficiency projects

The projects showcase strategies for multifamily energy efficiency retrofits that are also cost-effective, minimize displacement, emphasize community communications, and support resilience and affordability.

Related materials:

ULI Toronto: Affordability and Resilience - The Challenge of Tower Renewal in Private Rental Apartment Buildings

ULI Toronto: Tower Renewal Check Up: Confronting the Private Sector Rental Affordability Challenge

Author: Kara Kokernak


  • シニア住宅
  • 集合住宅賃貸住宅
開始日: 2023
開業日: 2023
大都市圏: Toronto
場所のタイプ: 中央ビジネス地区
サイトサイズ: 2.6 エーカー / 1.05 ヘクタール
プロジェクトの種類: 集合住宅レンタル

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アーバンランド・インスティテュート (ULI) フィラデルフィアは、デラウェア州ミドルタウンのセント・アンドリュース・スクールがインフラと設備投資、土地利用、調達とベンダー、学校の方針と文化に関する炭素削減と持続可能な実践のための短期および長期戦略を策定するのを支援するための推奨事項を作成するために専門家を集めました。