Denver, CO, 米国 アメリカ
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Speer Boulevard and Cherry Creek’s history begins before the origins of the city of Denver. Reimagining what is today a major transportation arterial within the city has the potential to impact many lives and businesses in and around downtown. Because of this, four key entities, the city of Denver, the Downtown Denver Partnership (DDP), the Auraria Campus for Higher Education (AHEC) and University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver) worked together to sponsor a ULI Advisory Services panel on this complex and critical topic.

The sponsor team asked ULI to convene an Advisory Services panel to provide strategic recommendations on reimagining a section of Speer Boulevard between downtown Denver and Auraria as an urban arterial that provides greater safety and accessibility for people using multiple forms of transportation, provide expanded opportunities for recreation and open space along the Cherry Creek trail, and better connect downtown Denver and the Auraria Campus.

レポートの概要:Speer Boulevard and Cherry Creek’s history begins before the origins of the city of Denver. Reimagining what is today a major transportation arterial within the city has the potential to impact many lives and businesses in and around downtown. Because of this, four key entities, the city of Denver, the Downtown Denver Partnership (DDP), the Auraria Campus for Higher Education (AHEC) and University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver) worked together to sponsor a ULI Advisory Services panel on this complex and critical topic.

The sponsor team asked ULI to convene an Advisory Services panel to provide strategic recommendations on reimagining a section of Speer Boulevard between downtown Denver and Auraria as an urban arterial that provides greater safety and accessibility for people using multiple forms of transportation, provide expanded opportunities for recreation and open space along the Cherry Creek trail, and better connect downtown Denver and the Auraria Campus.


Reimagining チェリークリーク & Speer ブルバード: デンバー、コロラド州: ULI アドバイザリーサービス

このパネルは、デンバーの将来の経済への教育の役割の重要性を探求しました, 労働力, アイデンティティ, そして、エクイティへのコミットメント.さらに、Speer Boulevard の構成を通して安全とコネクティビティを強化することによって、Auraria キャンパスとダウンタウンを統合するというビジョンがあります。