Little Canada, MN, アメリカ アメリカ
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The City of Little Canada engaged ULI Minnesota Advisory Services for a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) to provide recommendations regarding the best use for three city-owned parcels, while also offering guidance on placemaking and development in the surrounding areas. Key themes from stakeholder interviews and a community survey emphasized residents' desire for mixed-use development, a 'Town Center' destination, increased local activations, and a stronger city identity. Respondents also expressed a need for enhanced walkability and pedestrian safety within the city. The TAP, guided by principles of catalytic development, pedestrian connectivity, identity establishment, and economic support, focused on three city-owned sites.

レポートの概要:The City of Little Canada engaged ULI Minnesota Advisory Services for a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) to provide recommendations regarding the best use for three city-owned parcels, while also offering guidance on placemaking and development in the surrounding areas. Key themes from stakeholder interviews and a community survey emphasized residents' desire for mixed-use development, a 'Town Center' destination, increased local activations, and a stronger city identity. Respondents also expressed a need for enhanced walkability and pedestrian safety within the city. The TAP, guided by principles of catalytic development, pedestrian connectivity, identity establishment, and economic support, focused on three city-owned sites.


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2023-2024 ULIホームレス・トゥ・ハウスド・アニュアル・報告書:不動産ソリューションの探索は、ULIのホームレス・トゥ・ハウスド(H2H)イニシアチブのフェーズ1で完了した作業を特集しています。この報告書は、ホームレスから住宅へが米国における住宅とホームレスの危機に対処するための継続的な取り組みを導くために学んだ重要な教訓を探ります。