Little Canada, 明尼苏达州, 美国 美洲
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The City of Little Canada engaged ULI Minnesota Advisory Services for a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) to provide recommendations regarding the best use for three city-owned parcels, while also offering guidance on placemaking and development in the surrounding areas. Key themes from stakeholder interviews and a community survey emphasized residents' desire for mixed-use development, a 'Town Center' destination, increased local activations, and a stronger city identity. Respondents also expressed a need for enhanced walkability and pedestrian safety within the city. The TAP, guided by principles of catalytic development, pedestrian connectivity, identity establishment, and economic support, focused on three city-owned sites.

报告摘要:The City of Little Canada engaged ULI Minnesota Advisory Services for a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) to provide recommendations regarding the best use for three city-owned parcels, while also offering guidance on placemaking and development in the surrounding areas. Key themes from stakeholder interviews and a community survey emphasized residents' desire for mixed-use development, a 'Town Center' destination, increased local activations, and a stronger city identity. Respondents also expressed a need for enhanced walkability and pedestrian safety within the city. The TAP, guided by principles of catalytic development, pedestrian connectivity, identity establishment, and economic support, focused on three city-owned sites.


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2023-2024 ULI 无家可归转有家可归年度报告:探索房地产解决方案,重点介绍了 ULI 无家可归转有家可归(H2H)计划第一阶段的工作成果。本报告探讨了重要的经验教训,这些经验教训将指导 H2H 继续努力解决美国的住房和无家可归危机。