ULI Tampa Bay Resilient Land Use Cohort Technical Assistance Panel Presentation
Reinventing Stormwater Retention Areas as Green, Equitable Community Assets
Video Summary: Multifunctional stormwater retention and detention areas are a resilient land use priority in Tampa, Florida. Now more than ever, creative design and equity-centered solutions for addressing stormwater management and retention while also adding value and appeal through more functional uses to green space are needed in the city. TAs a peer city in the Resilient Land Use Cohort (RLUC), the City of Tampa asked ULI to convene a virtual Technical Assistance Panel (vTAP) from April 27th - April 29th, 2021, to formulate recommendations on how to creatively utilize these spaces and streamline cross-departmental collaboration.
The vTAP chair Taylor Ralph (REAL Building Consultants) and panelists Jason Hellendrung (Tetra Tech), Happy Haynes (Denver Parks + Recreation), Josiah Cain (Sherwood Engineers), Pegeen Hanrahan (Trust for Public Land), and Chris Ahern (GHD Maritime + Coastal) presented their recommendations at the end of the 3-day vTAP on April 29th, 2021.
Learn more about the Resilient Land Use Cohort.