Global 1:23:00
Webinar Summary:

As the United States prepares to make the largest infrastructure investment in a generation, an opportunity exists for ULI members and key partners to identify and promote more equitable and resilient infrastructure investments that create both long-term real estate and community value. Lessons can be learned from global infrastructure investment approaches. This includes the need to combat the global threat of climate change. Many of the infrastructure investment strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change are similar to those that enable more holistic and integrated urban development.

This should include decarbonization and a path to zero emissions through modernizing the energy grid and enhancing everyone’s ability to invest in and have access to renewable energy, energy storage, vehicle electrification, and “grid-interactive” buildings as well as building communities that can withstand and bounce back from extreme weather events. Guided by the Curtis Infrastructure Initiative’s Prioritizing Effective Infrastructure-Led Development: A ULI Infrastructure Framework, the Infrastructure and Land Use Exchange is a regularly scheduled series of meetings to facilitate conversations and dialogues between ULI members, District Council staff, other global experts, and HQ staff. This is intended to help promote the most innovative and/or effective best practices for infrastructure investment. Participation is strongly encouraged.

Webinar Summary: As the United States prepares to make the largest infrastructure investment in a generation, an opportunity exists for ULI members and key partners to identify and promote more equitable and resilient infrastructure investments that create both long-term real estate and community value. Lessons can be learned from global infrastructure investment approaches. This includes the need to combat the global threat of climate change. Many of the infrastructure investment strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change are similar to those that enable more holistic and integrated urban development.

This should include decarbonization and a path to zero emissions through modernizing the energy grid and enhancing everyone’s ability to invest in and have access to renewable energy, energy storage, vehicle electrification, and “grid-interactive” buildings as well as building communities that can withstand and bounce back from extreme weather events. Guided by the Curtis Infrastructure Initiative’s Prioritizing Effective Infrastructure-Led Development: A ULI Infrastructure Framework, the Infrastructure and Land Use Exchange is a regularly scheduled series of meetings to facilitate conversations and dialogues between ULI members, District Council staff, other global experts, and HQ staff. This is intended to help promote the most innovative and/or effective best practices for infrastructure investment. Participation is strongly encouraged.


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