Hui Min Chan

DP Architects Pte Ltd
Hui Min Chan is a Director and the Head of Green Well Tech at DP Architects. Green-Well-Tech (GWT) is DP Architects' strategic initiative to drive growth and excellence throughout its business thrusts and unify its actions and capabilities toward innovative and sustainable solutions. Trained in architecture, urban planning, and sustainable building design, her experience spans leadership roles in planning, urban design, and complex mixed-use building projects in Singapore, Turkey, and the Middle East, 会员名录  Arrow

传:Hui Min Chan is a Director and the Head of Green Well Tech at DP Architects. Green-Well-Tech (GWT) is DP Architects' strategic initiative to drive growth and excellence throughout its business thrusts and unify its actions and capabilities toward innovative and sustainable solutions. Trained in architecture, urban planning, and sustainable building design, her experience spans leadership roles in planning, urban design, and complex mixed-use building projects in Singapore, Turkey, and the Middle East,

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