美洲 1:34:32

The Fayetteville Street Corridor is a spine through the middle of Durham, NC’s Hayti neighborhood, the historical location of many of Durham’s Black businesses and the hub of economic activity. Yet, the 1958 authorization of the creation of Route 147, effectively dismantled the once thriving Hayti community—while creating a freeway to connect the newly planned Research Triangle Park to downtown. 

Today, Hayti is still home to many small businesses, historical landmarks and community organizations of importance to the Black community. The Fayetteville Street Corridor is a gateway that remains vital to the economic development of Durham and preservation of Black history and culture.  In the current moment, there is unprecedented market demand for property in Durham, NC. The Fayetteville Street Corridor is feeling development pressure as the demand for property is outpaces supply.  Homes are rapidly selling and/or renting at record levels. Impending change to the historic neighborhood is palpable.    

The Hayti Heritage Center asked ULI to explore opportunities for the redevelopment of the Fayetteville Street Corridor with a community-centered mindset, ensuring the community is involved in both planning and economic participation.  Among the panel’s recommendations:

  • Launch community-led engagement to create a shared vision for the future of Hayti and the Fayetteville Street Corridor
  • Improve Fayetteville Street with streetscape improvements and protection of historic structures
  • Maintain cultural identity through creative placemaking
  • Maintain affordability in both rental and ownership housing, especially for legacy residents
  • Strengthen North Carolina Central University and nurture NCCU’s entrepreneurial activities
  • Invest in the Hayti Heritage Center
  • Launch a capital fund targeted for Black entrepreneurship and Black-led real estate development and ownership.
  • Capture new employment opportunities for Hayti residents
  • Leverage strategic partners and communicate goals 

The report page for this Advisory Services Panel is available to view here.

视频摘要:The Fayetteville Street Corridor is a spine through the middle of Durham, NC’s Hayti neighborhood, the historical location of many of Durham’s Black businesses and the hub of economic activity. Yet, the 1958 authorization of the creation of Route 147, effectively dismantled the once thriving Hayti community—while creating a freeway to connect the newly planned Research Triangle Park to downtown. 

Today, Hayti is still home to many small businesses, historical landmarks and community organizations of importance to the Black community. The Fayetteville Street Corridor is a gateway that remains vital to the economic development of Durham and preservation of Black history and culture.  In the current moment, there is unprecedented market demand for property in Durham, NC. The Fayetteville Street Corridor is feeling development pressure as the demand for property is outpaces supply.  Homes are rapidly selling and/or renting at record levels. Impending change to the historic neighborhood is palpable.    

The Hayti Heritage Center asked ULI to explore opportunities for the redevelopment of the Fayetteville Street Corridor with a community-centered mindset, ensuring the community is involved in both planning and economic participation.  Among the panel’s recommendations:

  • Launch community-led engagement to create a shared vision for the future of Hayti and the Fayetteville Street Corridor
  • Improve Fayetteville Street with streetscape improvements and protection of historic structures
  • Maintain cultural identity through creative placemaking
  • Maintain affordability in both rental and ownership housing, especially for legacy residents
  • Strengthen North Carolina Central University and nurture NCCU’s entrepreneurial activities
  • Invest in the Hayti Heritage Center
  • Launch a capital fund targeted for Black entrepreneurship and Black-led real estate development and ownership.
  • Capture new employment opportunities for Hayti residents
  • Leverage strategic partners and communicate goals 

The report page for this Advisory Services Panel is available to view here.


Partnering for Just, Green, and Ready Communities

As ULI District Councils consider how to deepen their impact in cities across the United States, many are exploring partnerships with community-based organizations (CBOs). Work of this nature is often facilitated through new partnerships and may requ...


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2023-2024 ULI 无家可归转有家可归年度报告:探索房地产解决方案,重点介绍了 ULI 无家可归转有家可归(H2H)计划第一阶段的工作成果。本报告探讨了重要的经验教训,这些经验教训将指导 H2H 继续努力解决美国的住房和无家可归危机。