ULI Colorado:公平开发分享有益于所有人的发展最佳实践
网络研讨会摘要:ULI 成员为振兴衰落的社区而自豪。但是现在的居民和新近的企业往往“热的”区域被排除在外或被排除在外。这“赢家和输家”场景通常对黑人和棕色人的影响最大。该计划探讨了土地使用中种族主义的历史先例、今天的挥之不去的影响,并在公平开发中提供了最佳实践和案例研究,以帮助改变我们社区的轨迹和未来的决策。演讲者分享真实的项目和策略,让开发商、土地使用专业人士、政策制定者、商业贷款人和其他人通过我们的土地使用和开发决策来减少危害和改善公平。
PAH! Hiland Plaza
PAH! Hiland Plaza (PAH), winner of the 2024 Terwilliger Center Award for Innovation, located on Historic Route 66 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, represents a groundbreaking advancement in affordable, inclusive housing for the Deaf community.
ULI Homeless to Housed Case Study: The Melody
The Melody in Atlanta, Georgia, is a groundbreaking rapid housing project that comprises 40 studio apartments repurposed from 20 shipping containers. The micro-units include a bedroom and kitchenette and are designed with the mental well-being of res...
ULI Homeless to Housed Case Study: John Parvensky Stout Street Recuperative Care Center and Renaissance Legacy Lofts
Located in Denver, Colorado, the John Parvensky Stout Street Recuperative Care Center and Renaissance Legacy Lofts is a mixed-use facility providing affordable housing and comprehensive services to people experiencing homelessness. The Center offers ...