ULI Colorado: Equitable Development Sharing Best Practices in Development that Benefit Everyone
Webinar Summary:
Webinar Summary: ULI members pride themselves in revitalizing declining communities. But too often the current residents and businesses of newly “hot” areas get left out or pushed out. This “winners and losers” scenario often affects Black and Brown people the most. This program explores the historic precedents of racism in land use, the lingering effects today, and offers best practices and case studies in equitable development to help change the trajectory of our communities and future decision-making. Speakers share real projects and strategies to inform developers, land use professionals, policy makers, commercial lenders, and others on reducing harm and improving equity through our land use and development decisions.
State of Green: Greenprint Performance Report, Volume 15
ULI Greenprint real estate members are leading the charge to decarbonization. Learn about the progress being made globally on reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy and water efficiency in the real estate industry.
ULI Randall Lewis Center for Sustainability FY2024 Annual Impact Report
The Center for Sustainability’s Annual Impact Report (FY2024) shares a collection of the year’s cumulative outcomes, highlighting the impacts on members and communities. With 37 publications reaching 37,000 readers, 200 convenings engaging 19,200 att...
Event Session
2024 Fall Meeting — Reimagining Neighborhoods: "Missing-Middle" Housing and the Role of Public/Private Partnerships
In fast-growing areas where job opportunities are booming, there is a critical shortage of affordable middle-income housing. This shortage poses a significant challenge for essential workers such as nurses, teachers, and firefighters, who earn too mu...