美洲 1:00:03
The real estate community has the ability to address the growing crisis of homelessness. A recent ULI report showcases U.S. case studies that address the needs of local unhoused populations. These eight projects offer a series of replicable lessons and innovative models for delivering new housing in partnership with public, private and not-for-profit organizations.

网络研讨会摘要:The real estate community has the ability to address the growing crisis of homelessness. A recent ULI report showcases U.S. case studies that address the needs of local unhoused populations. These eight projects offer a series of replicable lessons and innovative models for delivering new housing in partnership with public, private and not-for-profit organizations.


Homelessness and Real Estate in 'Homeless to Housed'

Homelessness in the U.S. is both a humanitarian and economic crisis. Building upon the new publication 'Homeless to Housed,' this webinar focuses on replicable tools the development community can use in developing housing and programmatic spaces to s...

Pairing Housing + Transportation to Uplift Communities Across San Antonio

With support from the Homeless to Housed initiative, ULI San Antonio and its partner, Local Initiative Support Corporation–San Antonio (LISC), embarked on a Homeless to Housed journey to enhance education around the range of housing types San Antonia...

2022 ULI 住宅机会会议—房地产在解决无家可归问题中的作用

在即将发布的 ULI 报告的基础上,该小组以 ULI 成员的公开对话为特色,重点关注房地产行业在解决无家可归问题方面的作用。
Terwilliger 住宅中心