美洲 1:00:03
The real estate community has the ability to address the growing crisis of homelessness. A recent ULI report showcases U.S. case studies that address the needs of local unhoused populations. These eight projects offer a series of replicable lessons and innovative models for delivering new housing in partnership with public, private and not-for-profit organizations.

网络研讨会摘要:The real estate community has the ability to address the growing crisis of homelessness. A recent ULI report showcases U.S. case studies that address the needs of local unhoused populations. These eight projects offer a series of replicable lessons and innovative models for delivering new housing in partnership with public, private and not-for-profit organizations.


ULI 从无家可归到有家可归案例研究:Jazzie Collins 公寓

Jazzie Collins 公寓(公寓)是一个长期支持性的可负担住房项目,面向旧金山无家可归的成年人。公寓帮助将项目区域从商业建筑和地面停车场转变为现有市政中心酒店的混合用途开发项目,为酒店的长期居民创造住房机会。

ULI Homeless to Housed Case Study: The Bowery Residents' Committee HomeStretch Housing

The Landing Road project is a mixed-use building with a 200-bed homeless shelter and 135 units of permanent housing tailored for low-income individuals.

ULI Homeless to Housed Case Study: HopeWorks Station North

HopeWorks Station North is an affordable multifamily housing, workforce development, and job training center located in the Everett Station District of Everett, Washington.
Terwilliger 住宅中心