美洲 0:50:39
The ULI Austin Local Climate Impacts Strategic Council’s research shows that our region’s changing climate is affecting every aspect of the development process, from investment strategies, codes and insurance, to design, construction and operations. Through expert panelists and strategic insights, we'll explore the impacts of extreme weather events on local projects, identify responses and adaptation methods from leaders in development and financing, and discuss solutions to enable more resilient development in the face of climate impacts we experience in the Austin region. This breakfast aims to equip participants with actionable insights and foster collaboration towards building a more resilient built environment in Central Texas.

网络研讨会摘要:The ULI Austin Local Climate Impacts Strategic Council’s research shows that our region’s changing climate is affecting every aspect of the development process, from investment strategies, codes and insurance, to design, construction and operations. Through expert panelists and strategic insights, we'll explore the impacts of extreme weather events on local projects, identify responses and adaptation methods from leaders in development and financing, and discuss solutions to enable more resilient development in the face of climate impacts we experience in the Austin region. This breakfast aims to equip participants with actionable insights and foster collaboration towards building a more resilient built environment in Central Texas.


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Sustainability in Single-Family Rental and Build-to-Rent

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