Emmanuel Francois

Emmanuel FRANCOIS ULI, Urban Practices, Data Governance Alliance For 63-year-old Emmanuel FRANCOIS, Smart Buildings and, more broadly, Smart Cities have always been at the heart of his professional activities. To this end, in 2012 he founded the Smart Buildings Alliance for Smart Cities (SBA), which he chaired until July 2022, with the aim of creating a virtuous ecosystem around the challenges of the environmental transition of buildings and cities, while relying on digital tools. He now continues to promote Smart Building within Urban Practices as Senior Advisor. He is also a member of ULI France, where he leads the Product Council Technology & Real Estate. To bring these changes into a global vision of society, he advocates the 3rd urban revolution, which he supports as part of the MAJ fund: “new paths for a better world”. Aware of the importance of digital technology in meeting today's major societal challenges, he is now focusing his efforts on data governance, and to this end has founded the Data Governance Alliance (DG4SC), whose main objective is to raise awareness among all stakeholders of the need to control their data, and to contribute to the emergence of a data economy based on the exchange and sharing of data, based on the Data4U reference framework and in line with the Data Act. He's also active member of the Current OS foundation which purpose is to promote the transition to direct current at the planetary level to meet current challenges of usages's electrification with reduced CO2 footprint. He also very engaged in the water environment as board member of Odalie company focused on reuse of grey water. Mitgliederverzeichnis  Arrow

Biographie: Emmanuel FRANCOIS ULI, Urban Practices, Data Governance Alliance For 63-year-old Emmanuel FRANCOIS, Smart Buildings and, more broadly, Smart Cities have always been at the heart of his professional activities. To this end, in 2012 he founded the Smart Buildings Alliance for Smart Cities (SBA), which he chaired until July 2022, with the aim of creating a virtuous ecosystem around the challenges of the environmental transition of buildings and cities, while relying on digital tools. He now continues to promote Smart Building within Urban Practices as Senior Advisor. He is also a member of ULI France, where he leads the Product Council Technology & Real Estate. To bring these changes into a global vision of society, he advocates the 3rd urban revolution, which he supports as part of the MAJ fund: “new paths for a better world”. Aware of the importance of digital technology in meeting today's major societal challenges, he is now focusing his efforts on data governance, and to this end has founded the Data Governance Alliance (DG4SC), whose main objective is to raise awareness among all stakeholders of the need to control their data, and to contribute to the emergence of a data economy based on the exchange and sharing of data, based on the Data4U reference framework and in line with the Data Act. He's also active member of the Current OS foundation which purpose is to promote the transition to direct current at the planetary level to meet current challenges of usages's electrification with reduced CO2 footprint. He also very engaged in the water environment as board member of Odalie company focused on reuse of grey water.

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