Woodberry Forest, VA, VEREINIGTE STAATEN Amerika
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Zusammenfassung des Berichts:

The Panel was asked to focus on the five specific questions that follow related to energy savings and environmental stewardship:

  1. What set of actions or capital improvements are likely to yield the largest reductions in energy usage across all facilities and equipment?
  2. What opportunities might there be to convert to more economical or environmentally sensitive energy sources?
  3. Should Woodberry consider investments in its own renewable energy production capabilities?
  4. Are there other carbon footprint reduction areas beyond energy consumption that the School should consider?
  5. What, if any, downstream vendor or supplier/partner commitment to environmentally sensitive practices should the School consider implementing?

Zusammenfassung des Berichts: The Panel was asked to focus on the five specific questions that follow related to energy savings and environmental stewardship:

  1. What set of actions or capital improvements are likely to yield the largest reductions in energy usage across all facilities and equipment?
  2. What opportunities might there be to convert to more economical or environmentally sensitive energy sources?
  3. Should Woodberry consider investments in its own renewable energy production capabilities?
  4. Are there other carbon footprint reduction areas beyond energy consumption that the School should consider?
  5. What, if any, downstream vendor or supplier/partner commitment to environmentally sensitive practices should the School consider implementing?

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ULI Virginia