Global 0:03:10
The ULI Net Zero Imperative (NZI) is a multi-year initiative to accelerate decarbonization in the built environment and is a significant aspect of ULI’s work to advance its net zero mission priority. The program sponsors technical assistance panels in a select number of global cities per year and is designed to help building owners, cities, and other relevant constituents reduce carbon emissions associated with buildings, communities, and cities.

Video-Zusammenfassung: The ULI Net Zero Imperative (NZI) is a multi-year initiative to accelerate decarbonization in the built environment and is a significant aspect of ULI’s work to advance its net zero mission priority. The program sponsors technical assistance panels in a select number of global cities per year and is designed to help building owners, cities, and other relevant constituents reduce carbon emissions associated with buildings, communities, and cities.


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