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The ULI Net Zero Imperative (NZI) is a multi-year initiative to accelerate decarbonization in the built environment and is a significant aspect of ULI’s work to advance its net zero mission priority. The program sponsors technical assistance panels in a select number of global cities per year and is designed to help building owners, cities, and other relevant constituents reduce carbon emissions associated with buildings, communities, and cities.

视频摘要:The ULI Net Zero Imperative (NZI) is a multi-year initiative to accelerate decarbonization in the built environment and is a significant aspect of ULI’s work to advance its net zero mission priority. The program sponsors technical assistance panels in a select number of global cities per year and is designed to help building owners, cities, and other relevant constituents reduce carbon emissions associated with buildings, communities, and cities.



北京中央商务区NZI TAP专注于北京的™朝阳区。目标是与北京CBD管理委员会合作,制定一项长期战略,使利益相关者更有效地参与,使该地区成为净零碳,为此,CBD管理委员会目前正致力于为CBD地区制定低碳发展目标。

分布式区域能源 ULI 洛杉矶邦克山净零抽头报告

ULI 的洛杉矶地区委员会与洛杉矶更好建筑挑战赛(LABBC)、IBI Group、Arup 和 CenTrio Energy 合作,确定在洛杉矶市中心开发“分布式区域能源系统”的现实战略,首先是位于洛杉矶的中央工厂在邦克山社区的中心。

ULI 堪萨斯城净零排放势在必行,为多户住宅创建能效融资工具

在城市土地学会净零排放倡议的支持下,城市土地学会堪萨斯城与堪萨斯城建筑能源交易所合作组建了一个由地方和国家专家组成的 TAP 小组,以了解在大都市区启动能源效率改进基金(EEIF)的潜力。该小组特别关注多户建筑领域,重点关注三层或更多层的建筑。