James Davis
Biography: Davis is director of development services for the city of Fort Collins, Colorado. He assumed this position in December 1986 and oversees the city departments of planning, economic development, natural resources engineering, transportaion, and buliding permits and inspections. He is responsible for all phases of the planning and development processes, as well as for implementation of the city development codes, including the innovative Land Development Guidace System. As former director of planning for the city of Rockville, Maryland (1975-1986), Davis oversaw all phases of the planning process from site planning and developer negotiations to capital improvements programs, historic preservation, and rapid-rail transit design and coordination. From 1971 to 1975, he was community developer with Prince George's County, Maryland, in the department of economic development and the office of the county enecutive, responsibile for such enviromental planning matters as solid waste management programs, and related economic activities. (6/90)
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