Reid Ewing

Research Professor
University of Maryland - National Center for Smart Growth Research & Education
December 2006 Reid Ewing is Associate and Research Professor at the National Center for Smart Growth, University of Maryland. He is spending this year in LA, raising his actor son and working for the transportation planning and engineering firm of Fehr & Peers Associates. Ewing has written articles and books for the major planning and development organizations, the books including: Developing Successful New Communities for the Urban Land Institute; Best Development Practices and Transportation and Land Use Innovations for the American Planning Association; and Traffic Calming State-of-the-Practice for the Institute of Transportation Engineers. The two books for the American Planning Association made him APA's top selling author for many years. His study of sprawl and obesity may have received more national media coverage than any planning study ever. It was the most widely cited academic paper in the Social Sciences as of late 2005, according to Essential Science Indicators. Ewing holds master degrees in Engineering and City Planning from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in Transportation Systems and Urban Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Formerly, he was the Director of the Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers University, and earlier in his career, he served two terms in the Arizona legislature and worked on urban policy issues at the Congressional Budget Office. In 2004, he was appointed Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Planning Association and Fellow of the Urban Land Institute. In 2006, he was profiled in Planning magazine, edited the special transportation issue of the Journal of the American Planning Association, and began a bi-monthly column in Planning magazine on "Planning Research You Can Use." Member Directory  Arrow

Biography: December 2006 Reid Ewing is Associate and Research Professor at the National Center for Smart Growth, University of Maryland. He is spending this year in LA, raising his actor son and working for the transportation planning and engineering firm of Fehr & Peers Associates. Ewing has written articles and books for the major planning and development organizations, the books including: Developing Successful New Communities for the Urban Land Institute; Best Development Practices and Transportation and Land Use Innovations for the American Planning Association; and Traffic Calming State-of-the-Practice for the Institute of Transportation Engineers. The two books for the American Planning Association made him APA's top selling author for many years. His study of sprawl and obesity may have received more national media coverage than any planning study ever. It was the most widely cited academic paper in the Social Sciences as of late 2005, according to Essential Science Indicators. Ewing holds master degrees in Engineering and City Planning from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in Transportation Systems and Urban Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Formerly, he was the Director of the Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers University, and earlier in his career, he served two terms in the Arizona legislature and worked on urban policy issues at the Congressional Budget Office. In 2004, he was appointed Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Planning Association and Fellow of the Urban Land Institute. In 2006, he was profiled in Planning magazine, edited the special transportation issue of the Journal of the American Planning Association, and began a bi-monthly column in Planning magazine on "Planning Research You Can Use."

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