Business Case for Resilience in SE Florida
Report Summary:

The Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact along with local business and nonprofit communities partnered with ULI to comprehensively assess the economic impact of investment in resilience infrastructure in the region. The report, called the Business Case for Resilience in Southeast Florida, is based on a regional economic assessment conducted by AECOM, and explores the economic risks to the region due to rising sea levels and frequent flooding without adaptation and analyzes economic opportunities associated with resilient investments. This regional economic analysis illustrates a clear shared interest among all stakeholders to collectively take action and quantifies a compelling business case for the region to make significant investments in resilience infrastructure now. The findings also identify opportunities for the real estate industry to achieve a positive return on investment by futureproofing developments and investing in community-wide resilience infrastructure over time to build incremental solutions that protect people and property and grow the economy of Southeast Florida in years to come.

Report Summary: The Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact along with local business and nonprofit communities partnered with ULI to comprehensively assess the economic impact of investment in resilience infrastructure in the region. The report, called the Business Case for Resilience in Southeast Florida, is based on a regional economic assessment conducted by AECOM, and explores the economic risks to the region due to rising sea levels and frequent flooding without adaptation and analyzes economic opportunities associated with resilient investments. This regional economic analysis illustrates a clear shared interest among all stakeholders to collectively take action and quantifies a compelling business case for the region to make significant investments in resilience infrastructure now. The findings also identify opportunities for the real estate industry to achieve a positive return on investment by futureproofing developments and investing in community-wide resilience infrastructure over time to build incremental solutions that protect people and property and grow the economy of Southeast Florida in years to come.

Events Library

ULI Toronto: Earth Week 2024 Day 5: Circular Economy

Watch ULI Toronto’s final Earth Week webinar, unveiling the innovative practices driving the circular economy in European real estate to Toronto's industry leaders.
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ULI Toronto: Earth Week 2024 Day 4: Embodied Carbon

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ULI Toronto: Earth Week 2024 Day 2: Neighbourhood Intensification

In this session, ULI asks: are we witnessing encouraging green shoots of residential intensification? And what additional measures may be required to expand housing in the most climate friendly locations in the GTHA?
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