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Report Summary:

The ULI C Change programme aims to support our industry to speed up and scale up decarbonisation, providing tools and expertise to help tackle critical barriers to progress and accelerate the transition to a low carbon environment. Our latest report shows that a lack of alignment between property owners and occupiers is not only hindering progress on decarbonisation, but it also has the potential to increase total emissions over the medium to long-term. Yet at the heart of the solution is the need for a stronger partnership and closer collaboration between occupiers and owners, which itself echoes an imperative of the wider C Change programme, in that to drive transformation we all must unite in our urgent response.

For more information, please visit the C Change webpage.

Report Summary: The ULI C Change programme aims to support our industry to speed up and scale up decarbonisation, providing tools and expertise to help tackle critical barriers to progress and accelerate the transition to a low carbon environment. Our latest report shows that a lack of alignment between property owners and occupiers is not only hindering progress on decarbonisation, but it also has the potential to increase total emissions over the medium to long-term. Yet at the heart of the solution is the need for a stronger partnership and closer collaboration between occupiers and owners, which itself echoes an imperative of the wider C Change programme, in that to drive transformation we all must unite in our urgent response.

For more information, please visit the C Change webpage.


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C Change Intervention Briefing: Whole Value Chain Coordination

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