ULI C Change 计划旨在支持我们的行业加快并扩大脱碳进程,提供工具和专业知识来帮助解决进步的关键障碍并加速向低碳环境的过渡。我们的最新报告显示,业主和租户之间缺乏一致性不仅阻碍了脱碳的进展,而且还有可能在中长期内增加总排放量。然而,解决方案的核心是租户和业主之间需要更牢固的伙伴关系和更紧密的合作,这本身就呼应了更广泛的 C Change 项目的必要性,因为要推动转型,我们都必须团结一致,共同做出紧急响应。
有关更多信息,请访问C Change 网页.
报告摘要:ULI C Change 计划旨在支持我们的行业加快并扩大脱碳进程,提供工具和专业知识来帮助解决进步的关键障碍并加速向低碳环境的过渡。我们的最新报告显示,业主和租户之间缺乏一致性不仅阻碍了脱碳的进展,而且还有可能在中长期内增加总排放量。然而,解决方案的核心是租户和业主之间需要更牢固的伙伴关系和更紧密的合作,这本身就呼应了更广泛的 C Change 项目的必要性,因为要推动转型,我们都必须团结一致,共同做出紧急响应。
有关更多信息,请访问C Change 网页.
C Change Intervention Briefing: Whole Value Chain Coordination
The built environment industry needs to coordinate stakeholders across the value chain to form a coalition that is capable of aligning and speeding up action on decarbonisation to ensure a faster green transformation.
C Change Intervention Briefing: Net zero targets for the built environment
Developing and aligning with accurate science-based targets for the built environment will enable the sector to decarbonise at pace, reducing its significant contributions to global carbon emissions.
C Change Intervention Briefing: Building Renovation Passports
A briefing paper about how building renovation passports can contribute to decarbonisation. This is part of a suite of intervention points developed as part of C Change, a ULI-led programme to mobilise the European real estate industry to decarbonise...