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Report Summary:

The City of St. Helena engaged ULI San Francisco to convene a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) of multidisciplinary experts from around the Bay Area to advise on the revitalization of the city’s downtown. The city provided four questions to the panel about the town’s identity, placemaking opportunities, and the development of a decision-making framework to support economic growth. The two-day workshop included a day of exploration in St. Helena’s historic downtown, as well as interviews with key stakeholders, both of which provided background on the city’s business environment, community sentiment, past planning efforts, and institutional challenges impeding progress. The panelists spent the remaining time discussing potential solutions and forming recommendations that were presented at the end of the workshop.

View the TAP Report Webinar here.

Report Summary: The City of St. Helena engaged ULI San Francisco to convene a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) of multidisciplinary experts from around the Bay Area to advise on the revitalization of the city’s downtown. The city provided four questions to the panel about the town’s identity, placemaking opportunities, and the development of a decision-making framework to support economic growth. The two-day workshop included a day of exploration in St. Helena’s historic downtown, as well as interviews with key stakeholders, both of which provided background on the city’s business environment, community sentiment, past planning efforts, and institutional challenges impeding progress. The panelists spent the remaining time discussing potential solutions and forming recommendations that were presented at the end of the workshop.

View the TAP Report Webinar here.


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