ULI France: Product Council Innovation COVID-19
Accelerating Factor in Real Estate Innovation
This webinar hosted by ULI France is conducted in French.
This ULI France webinar, an initiative of the Innovation Product Council, discusses COVID-19, an accelerating factor of innovation in real estate. Hear the outlook of Emmanuel Francois, President SBA Smart Buildings Alliance Smart Cities, as well as those of Robin Rivaton, Investment Director Idinvest Partners, author, CEO Real Estech.
Webinar Summary: This webinar hosted by ULI France is conducted in French.
This ULI France webinar, an initiative of the Innovation Product Council, discusses COVID-19, an accelerating factor of innovation in real estate. Hear the outlook of Emmanuel Francois, President SBA Smart Buildings Alliance Smart Cities, as well as those of Robin Rivaton, Investment Director Idinvest Partners, author, CEO Real Estech.