Webinar Summary:

Denver has a goal for all new buildings and homes to achieve Net Zero Energy by 2030.

Denver defines “Net Zero Energy (NZE)” as a new building or home that is:

  1. Highly Energy Efficient,
  2. All-Electric,
  3. Powered by Renewable Energy, and
  4. Providers of Demand Flexibility for the Grid.

Denver’s detailed NZE goals are:

  • Net zero energy, all-electric new homes in the 2024 Building Code 
  • Net zero energy, all-electric new buildings in the 2027
  • Building CodeNew buildings perform as designed (performance verification) in the 2030 Building Code  

ULI Colorado hosted a virtual panel discussion featuring building electrification experts and developers. Learn what these requirements include, how new construction can be designed to comply with these standards, and the lessons that developers and property owners are learning as they decarbonize the built environment.

This program was organized with the help of the ULI Greenprint Center for Building Performance, which is a worldwide alliance of leading real estate owners, investors, and strategic partners committed to improving the environmental performance of the global real estate industry.

Webinar Summary: Denver has a goal for all new buildings and homes to achieve Net Zero Energy by 2030.

Denver defines “Net Zero Energy (NZE)” as a new building or home that is:

  1. Highly Energy Efficient,
  2. All-Electric,
  3. Powered by Renewable Energy, and
  4. Providers of Demand Flexibility for the Grid.

Denver’s detailed NZE goals are:

  • Net zero energy, all-electric new homes in the 2024 Building Code 
  • Net zero energy, all-electric new buildings in the 2027
  • Building CodeNew buildings perform as designed (performance verification) in the 2030 Building Code  

ULI Colorado hosted a virtual panel discussion featuring building electrification experts and developers. Learn what these requirements include, how new construction can be designed to comply with these standards, and the lessons that developers and property owners are learning as they decarbonize the built environment.

This program was organized with the help of the ULI Greenprint Center for Building Performance, which is a worldwide alliance of leading real estate owners, investors, and strategic partners committed to improving the environmental performance of the global real estate industry.


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