ULI Toronto: NYC’s Local Law 97: North America’s Green Building High Bar
Aligned with the controversial Green New Deal agenda, Local Law 97 is intended to be a cornerstone of outgoing Mayor de Blasio's legacy. But is such a standard achievable – and should Canadian municipalities realistically embrace such ambition, factoring economics, affordability concerns etc.? Put another way, do we have a choice?
Toronto gets under the hood of Local Law 97, and the opportunities and challenges of achieving such a standard in the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
Webinar Summary: Aligned with the controversial Green New Deal agenda, Local Law 97 is intended to be a cornerstone of outgoing Mayor de Blasio's legacy. But is such a standard achievable – and should Canadian municipalities realistically embrace such ambition, factoring economics, affordability concerns etc.? Put another way, do we have a choice?
Toronto gets under the hood of Local Law 97, and the opportunities and challenges of achieving such a standard in the Greater Golden Horseshoe.