Global 59:00
Webinar Summary:

Rising sea levels and the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events such as wildfires, hurricanes, and excessive heat illustrate the consequences of a changing climate. The increasing probability of these physical hazards creates novel and dynamic threats to the real estate industry. How should institutional real estate managers evaluate current and future physical risk and integrate it into investment decisions? At present, the answer is opaque. While numerous qualified physical risk assessment providers exist in the marketplace, they use different methodologies, report their findings uniquely, and often use different assumptions in creating their findings.

As part of the long-term commitment to addressing climate change and physical risk, ULI partnered with global real estate investment management firm, LaSalle Investment Management, to examine and report on physical climate risk assessment in How to Choose, Use, and Better Understand Climate Risk Analytics. The report analyzes the current state of the climate risk analytics market and provides guidance for the real estate industry to evaluate physical risk data analytics products. During this webinar, panelists reflected on their experiences assessing physical risk in their businesses and shared insights on how to leverage the report findings to better integrate climate risk assessments into the real estate investment process.

How to Choose, Use and Better Understand Climate-Risk Analytics Research Report


Webinar Summary: Rising sea levels and the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events such as wildfires, hurricanes, and excessive heat illustrate the consequences of a changing climate. The increasing probability of these physical hazards creates novel and dynamic threats to the real estate industry. How should institutional real estate managers evaluate current and future physical risk and integrate it into investment decisions? At present, the answer is opaque. While numerous qualified physical risk assessment providers exist in the marketplace, they use different methodologies, report their findings uniquely, and often use different assumptions in creating their findings.

As part of the long-term commitment to addressing climate change and physical risk, ULI partnered with global real estate investment management firm, LaSalle Investment Management, to examine and report on physical climate risk assessment in How to Choose, Use, and Better Understand Climate Risk Analytics. The report analyzes the current state of the climate risk analytics market and provides guidance for the real estate industry to evaluate physical risk data analytics products. During this webinar, panelists reflected on their experiences assessing physical risk in their businesses and shared insights on how to leverage the report findings to better integrate climate risk assessments into the real estate investment process.

How to Choose, Use and Better Understand Climate-Risk Analytics Research Report



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