John Goff

John N. Goff Senior Vice President-Development Cousins Properties Incorporated As a senior development executive for Cousins’ Development Group, John oversees design and construction for urban mixed-use projects from concept to execution. He has more than 30 years of commercial real estate development experience, during which time he has honed a keen ability to direct complex client-centric mixed-use developments, orchestrating levels of support and leadership within Cousins to guarantee delivery of clients’ visions. During his career at Cousins, John has worked with a diverse set of university, hospitality, corporate and civic clients. Before joining Cousins in 1997, John was vice president of Knight Davidson Companies in Marietta, Ga. and vice president of real estate development for High Associates in Lancaster, Pa. During his career, John has developed more than 2 million square feet of office space, 3 million square feet of high-bay industrial buildings, five hotels totaling 750 rooms and over 1,500 multifamily residential units. Project Highlights: • Design and Development with the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill-Redevelopment of the University Square and Granville Towers property into a vibrant mixed use community of 125,000 SF of office, 60,000 SF of retail, 900 beds of undergraduate housing, 600-800 beds of graduate housing and approximately 200 market rate residential units. • Management of design, construction and financing for Gateway Village, a $250-million, 1.1 million square foot mixed-use development in Charlotte, N.C., involving eight architectural firms, four residential developers and a $1.6-million public-art program. • Design and Development of Emory Point with Emory University-Redevelopment of the former Turner Village graduate housing project and old hotel into a new mixed use project with 600 residential units, 90,000 square feet of retail and 125 key hotel and 会員名簿  Arrow

バイオグラフィー:John N. Goff Senior Vice President-Development Cousins Properties Incorporated As a senior development executive for Cousins’ Development Group, John oversees design and construction for urban mixed-use projects from concept to execution. He has more than 30 years of commercial real estate development experience, during which time he has honed a keen ability to direct complex client-centric mixed-use developments, orchestrating levels of support and leadership within Cousins to guarantee delivery of clients’ visions. During his career at Cousins, John has worked with a diverse set of university, hospitality, corporate and civic clients. Before joining Cousins in 1997, John was vice president of Knight Davidson Companies in Marietta, Ga. and vice president of real estate development for High Associates in Lancaster, Pa. During his career, John has developed more than 2 million square feet of office space, 3 million square feet of high-bay industrial buildings, five hotels totaling 750 rooms and over 1,500 multifamily residential units. Project Highlights: • Design and Development with the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill-Redevelopment of the University Square and Granville Towers property into a vibrant mixed use community of 125,000 SF of office, 60,000 SF of retail, 900 beds of undergraduate housing, 600-800 beds of graduate housing and approximately 200 market rate residential units. • Management of design, construction and financing for Gateway Village, a $250-million, 1.1 million square foot mixed-use development in Charlotte, N.C., involving eight architectural firms, four residential developers and a $1.6-million public-art program. • Design and Development of Emory Point with Emory University-Redevelopment of the former Turner Village graduate housing project and old hotel into a new mixed use project with 600 residential units, 90,000 square feet of retail and 125 key hotel and

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